Choose WFH and WFO?

Many young people who started work in the last 18 months have never spent their time working in an office.
Working remotely or from home, work from home (WFH), is indeed much more informal. Also more casual. Many job seekers, especially 2020 graduates, are leaving school and entering a chaotic world, mainly because job opportunities are limited. Indeed, with the easing of activity restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic in many places, finding work has become a little easier. However, the working situation is still far from normal. Many young workers say that one of the most important aspects of working patterns during the pandemic is that they lose the office atmosphere. Moreover, when they realize that their "office space" is a bedroom wall, which may be box-shaped, and has been their office for almost the last two years. They wish to have more opportunities in daily social interactions with their peers, both to build friendships and to get input from mentors or seniors. Some company management is aware that there is a need to help their employees, especially new employees, adapt to work in abnormal situations in order to feel accepted. The management of Trevelino/Keller, a marketing company in Atlanta, for example, have a ritual they call “Spotify at 9”—because it's at 9 a.m. On that occasion, they all played the same song, then discussed it on Slack, a special chat platform. They also run book clubs and watch TED Talks virtually. However, Suneet Dua, Chief Product Officer at accounting giant PwC U.S., expects the impact of the current situation to be positive. Positive in the sense that this pandemic situation builds resilience and adaptability in young workers.


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