Increase Quality Jobs

the World Bank report “Indonesia's Economic Prospects to Accelerate Recovery” highlighted that the share of employment to drive the growth of the middle class in Indonesia fell 5.2 percent within one year after the Covid-19 pandemic. Initially, in 2019, the percentage of middle class jobs still reached 15.4 percent.
However, after the pandemic, the share fell to 10.2 percent. World Bank economist, Maria Monica Wihardja, said that the decline in decent job growth to encourage an increase in the middle class in Indonesia is something that should be seriously anticipated. "Not only must we create jobs for those who lost their jobs during the pandemic, we must also encourage the creation of higher quality jobs," said Maria Monica in the webinar "Steps to Middle Class Jobs in Indonesia" by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences' Center for Economic Research. (LIPI). To anticipate the short-term economic impact of Covid-19, the government must also implement medium and long-term policy reforms. It is also urgent to reduce poverty and encourage the growth of the middle class which will play a large role in the rotation of the economy. One of them is by prioritizing the entry of new investments that will encourage employment, not only in quantity but also in quality.

|•SOURCE•| Articles :KOMPAS | Image :URBAN |


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